Sinusitis Treatment: Dr. Welch Approach to Medical Therapy
At Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy Center in Oklahoma, we follow the established clinical guidelines for treating sinusitis. Our first line treatment is medical therapy - which may include a range of medications designed to address your particular illness and symptoms.
Depending on your needs, Dr. Welch may recommend:
Nasal steroids for treatment of sinusitis
Nasal steroid sprays can decrease the swelling in the mucous membrane lining of the sinuses, which can help temporarily relieve symptoms. Some of our patients are reluctant to take medications containing steroids. Steroids can have side effects when taken over a longer period of time. You can find out more about steroid sprays in the package insert, or discuss possible side effects during your visit to Dr. Welch.
Antibiotics and sinusitis
If sinus inflammation has led to the development of a bacterial infection, we may prescribe antibiotics to deal with symptoms related to that infection.
When Medical Therapy Fails - Advanced Treatment Options at Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy Center in Claremore, OK
At Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy Center we see many patients who suffer from chronic or recurrent acute sinusitis for whom medical therapy fails or only provides temporary relief. For these patients, we have developed expertise in more advanced treatment options, including: