Sinus Treatments

For individuals who suffer from sinus pain, pressure or chronic sinusitis, the Ear, Nose, Throat & Allergy Center offers new and innovative ways to relieve the discomfort.
"We have a new procedure in our office for those with sinus problems and will give them access to the best possible sinus care in northeastern Oklahoma," said Dr. Mark Welch.
One option is Balloon Sinus Dilation. It is a convenient and comfortable outpatient treatment option. A small balloon is used to gently reshape a patient’s sinus drainage pathways to help restore normal sinus drainage, offering long-term relief from problems associated with sinusitis. The procedure typically takes less than one hour, and while a patient will receive medicine to make the comfortable, no anesthesia is necessary.
Other options include septoplasty, which is a procedure to correct a deviated septum; nasal polyectomy – to remove polyps from the nasal cavity or sinuses; and submucous resection of inferior turbinate to help relieve congestion.
Dr. Welch said some patients who have procedures designed to correct sinus problems will increase their quality of life by helping them sleep better, eliminate chronic sinus headaches or simply breathe better.